Gaming Commission

Equine Breakdown, Death, Injury and Incident Database

DONNA M. BIRETA - All Incident Types

Incident TypeRacing Type  Incident Date  Horse NameRacetrack
EQUINE DEATH Training 04/02/2019 0wen's express Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
STEWARDS/VETS LIST Racing 04/29/2014 Ivory Lightning Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
FALL OF RIDER Racing 05/21/2015 Brooklyn Red Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
EQUINE DEATH Racing 07/16/2011 FREUDIAN STORM Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 07/22/2020 Shayna Bay Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 08/02/2021 Rosies Surprise Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
EQUINE DEATH Racing 08/10/2013 Sunshine Platter Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 08/18/2012 Junaluska Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 08/20/2013 Awesomeatthetrack Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 09/06/2023 Becky's Mission Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
EQUINE DEATH Racing 09/11/2010 AMELIA THE CAT Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 09/18/2019 CONSUBSTANTIAL Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
RACING INCIDENT Racing 10/04/2013 Old School Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack
FALL OF RIDER Racing 11/17/2009 HOLY TOLEDO Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack

Your search has returned 14 result(s).

Note that the above data is current as of 12:16 AM EDT, Monday, September 09, 2024 and subject to change as more information becomes available.

* Denotes non-pari-mutuel/steeplechase racing.

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